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Agriculture Solutions

Solutions for a healthier,

sustainable future

Who Is Mid-America Ag & Turf?

Mid-America Ag & Turf is powered by our two Power brands: Nutriplant™ and APSA-80™

Nutriplant™ and APSA-80™ are premium agriculture and turf products that are manufactured here in the USA.

Our Nutriplant™ products have been around for over 20 years and are based on proprietary fermentation and chelation technologies; while our APSA-80™ (All Purpose Spray Adjuvant Concentrate) product has been around for over 40 years and is based on a proprietary technology that allows you to have and use the best product in the adjuvant industry!

What Sets Us Apart?
Agriculture Crop

Our unique Nutriplant™ chelation system uses natural, small, chelating agents designed especially for foliar applications. Our products also reduce the effects of environmental stress on crops.

Our continued research with Land Grant Universities such as Colorado State & UNL along with The Irrigation Research Foundation in Yuma, Colorado and with local farmers all over the Midwest has also allowed us to see, document and research the benefits in water management and soil compact from our APSA-80™ product.

We also pride ourselves on our satisfaction guarantee along with our top notch customer service. We care about helping America’s Growers Maximize Their Full Potential Every year!

corn seeds Agriculture

NUTRIPLANT® SEED TREATMENT is applied to seed just prior to planting. Liquid and dry product formulations provide essential nutrients which activate crucial enzymes that optimize metabolic pathways necessary for proper seedling growth and enhanced vigor.

foliar application agriculture

Nutriplant® AG is a foliar nutritional supplement which enhances crop growth. The genetic potential for a crop is rarely reached due to stresses encountered during the growing season. Plants are more vulnerable and use more nutrients at particular stages of development. These products contain minerals, micronutrients, peptides, and amino acids which support crucial metabolic pathways, aid photosynthesis, and facilitate antioxidant activity. They support crops during critical stages of plant development by supplying naturally chelated/complexed foliar nutrients to maximize crop production.

Soil Agriculture

APSA-80™ functions as a spreader, activator, penetrant, and sticker.  It gives vertical and horizontal movement of water with even distribution in the soil profile.  It relieves soil compaction...helping with water infiltration and maintaining optimal soil moisture at 26-28%. APSA-80™ has been tested and proven to support and promote growth of naturally occurring, beneficial soil microorganisms, leading to improved soil health, reduced soil compaction, and improved soil structure. 

Mid-America Ag & Turf

John Filutze     Fort Wayne, Indiana 46845    Tel 260-341-1712

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